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16 okt 2024 0 kommentarer

It is 1 week since the Nordic championships for cadets and juniors in Örebro. How do you summarise such a record big event for us? Maybe with some numbers.
About 1 year ago we were asked to arrange the competition by Swedish Fencing and 6 months later we could secure the arena from Örebro county. The invitation was published 3 months prior to the event followed by detailed planning in the club board. The week before the event we traveled 200 km to borrow the equipment from Stockholms Fäktförbund. The day before some 30 volunteers from the club spent 4 hours building the arena. At the first day we were 30 minutes late in the start, overwhelmed by the numbers of people to register and account. At the end we closed day 1 competitons on time. The organizers spent 15 hours on site preparing, executing and cleaning. Day 2 started on time and closed 1 hour ahead of schedule. All in all we had fantastic competitive fencing from 326 fencers representing 12 countries from the Nordic Fencing Union and more. It was crowded and intense in the 10 classes with 526 entries. We had 1825 exciting bouts on our 22 pistes governed by 31 referees. Every final was live streamed and 100’s of photos was taken. The cafe served endless numbers of sandwiches, salads and cakes.
We want to thank everyone participating in making this happen. It was magical to watch the teamwork in the organization, the team spirits of the clubs/nations and the joy of the fencers making their success in Örebro.